Department of Chemistry


Chemistry is a science of the development of human civilization. From the European Industrial Revolution in 19th century to the present day, the scenario of Biotechnology and Nanotechnology is all related to chemical sciences. In the arena of scientific development, Chemists are the major stake-holders. Be it Peace, War or mission to Mars, Chemists are the main players in these endeavours. The Department of Chemistry is one of the major departments of the University College of Montgomery Sahiwal. Presently more than 400 students are enrolled in the graduation and MSc programs. The Department has well-defined areas of Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry. The department has a clear thinking that a nation of 180 million people needs world-class expertise in chemical sciences which could meet the needs of common people. The schemes of study of the Department of Chemistry have been designed in this backdrop. The major focus of the Department is to train the students in their respective specializations such as Nanoscience, Polymer Sciences, Biosensors, Synthesis of Natural Products and Drugs and Bioassays. Pakistan is blessed with enormous reservoirs of coal and minerals. Expertise is available in the department to explore these latent/hidden reservoirs.


To promote the quality research in the various branches of chemistry to ensure a viable and practical solution to all the problems in the respective areas.


To the advancement of highest level of theoretical and practical knowledge of chemistry. The department pledges to train Chemists capable of making significant contribution in the areas of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and related fields.